Business Law Callout
Business Law
Owning your own business is a huge achievement for anyone and often involves a lot of blood, sweat and tears – make sure you have all the bases covered legally to reduce the risk of problems.
Robinson Law offers the full range of business law services, including the following:
If you’re considering buying a new business, or selling your existing business, talk to the legal professionals at Robinson Law. We can provide advice and help with the preparation of agreements throughout the sales process to ensure you’re fully aware of everything you’re signing and its implications.
Depending on the type of franchise you’re considering entering into, there can often be many loopholes and clauses that potential franchisees need to be aware of. Robinson Law can provide advice about franchise agreements to ensure your investment is safeguarded.
If you’re setting up a new business, it’s important to consider the various business structures available and work out which will best suit your purposes. This will determine many aspects of your business, including how you get paid, pay tax, your personal liability, and legal compliance requirements. The team at Robinson Law can help you determine what structure would be best for your new business and the implications of each option. We can also assist in the creation of business entities and shareholder agreements.
Robinson Law can provide legal advice regarding business closure, the exit of business partners and implications of a change in business structure and how this will affect your business in the future.
We can provide advice and assist with the preparation of leases of business premises, renewal of leases and transfer of existing leases. We can also advice you should a dispute arise under your lease.
When taking on new staff, it is important to understand your obligations and rights as an employer; Robinson Law can offer advice and assist in the preparation of employment contracts to safeguard you and your business.
Talk to Robinson Law for advice and assistance in preparing or signing new business and commercial contracts.
Robinson Law can provide advice in relation to business borrowing and lending. We will work through the process with you to ensure your business is meeting all the bank’s legal requirements and we will offer guidance to make sure the appropriate securities and guarantees are put in place to secure your borrowing.
We can assist you in making or opposing applications to the Employment Relations Authority or District Court in the event of a dispute arising with a business partner, employer, employee, customer or contractors. Robinson Law offers professional advice and understanding, we will act as your legal representative as required.